A step by step guide to adding a gradient to text in Adobe Photoshop. Continue reading: How To Add Gradient To Text In Photoshop»
Here are the steps to create a linen texture in Adobe Photoshop. Also included is the PSD file download. Continue reading: How to Create a Linen Texture for Album Covers in Photoshop»
Here are the steps to create a metal texture in Adobe Photoshop. Also included is the PSD file download. Continue reading: How to Create a Metal Texture for Album Covers in Photoshop»
A step-by-step guide to creating your own leather texture in Photoshop. Sample PSD file included at the end of the guide. Continue reading: How to Create a Leather Texture for Album Covers in Photoshop»
Adobe Lightroom exports photo album pages as single images rather than full spreads, but you can easily combine these pages into spreads using Adobe InDesign. Follow these steps to set up your spreads in InDesign and export them as JPEG files that are optimized for Banti Album Proofing. Continue reading: How to Use InDesign to Combine Lightroom Book Pages into Spreads for Banti Album Proofing»
Uploading an album to Banti is really easy. Just follow these simple steps and you're all set. Continue reading: Uploading an Album to Banti»
Banti Album Proofing can easily be integrated within your website so your clint's can proof their album on your website instead of Banti's. Continue reading: Integrate Banti Album Proofing Within Your Website»
So far in our InDesign for Wedding Photographers article series, we covered InDesign Preferences, showed you how to set up a document, and gave you a quick overview of the Pages panel—including master pages. In this article we'll go over guides, frames, and placing images. Continue reading: InDesign Guides, Frames, and Image Placing for Wedding Album Design»
This is the second article in a series of short step-by-step guides to introduce you to the best tool for album design—Adobe InDesign. In the first guide, we covered InDesign preferences. Here, we'll take a peak at document setup and the pages panel. Continue reading: Setting up an InDesign Document for Wedding Album Design»
Last thing you want to do is have your clients drop the ball and not get back to you with their album comments in a timely fashion. Now Banti makes it easier than ever to get your album from proofing into production. Continue reading: Don't Let Your Clients Drop the Ball. Banti's New Email Reminders to the Rescue!»
If you're new to InDesign and don't know where to start, look no further! Here is the first in a series of several InDesign step-by-step guides to help you get started. Continue reading: Getting Started with InDesign: Preferences»
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